Show Me The Money!

Have you ever seen Jerry Maguire? I don’t think I’ve ever seen the movie all the way through. The one part that sticks with me is the scene “SHOW ME THE MONEY!”

Even as I typed that I silently screamed “SHOW ME THE MONEY!”


On March 10th and March 12th I am doing a live virtual course on sales funnels. And what did I name it? SHOW ME THE MONEY!

It’s one day (3/10/15) of teaching you how to create an amazing sales funnel to increase and maximize on your profits.

The second day (3/11/15) is individual implementation in which you will take everything we did on the first day and create/edit your sales funnel.

The third day (3/12/15) is customized coaching on your sales funnel.

Sales funnels are an important part of your business. They may just be the most important part, but I’ll leave that up in the air to be debated. Knowing that you are able to meet your financial goals month after month and quarter after quarter is priceless.

There are 10 spots available at an insanely amazing price. I'd love to work with you on developing a customized sales funnel for your business and help you to maximize your profits and leverage your time.

Ready to maximize your profits? Let's do this!

People Hate Being Sold To- Do This Instead!

Set it up, move on, and get clients while you shop!