The past two weeks I've been doing a lot of work with my non-profit board. The brillance that my board brings overwhelms me. Initially I was apprehensive to having a board of directors. However, a non profit organization requires boards for multiple reasons which I now understand.
“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.”
I decided I needed a virtual Board of Advisors. Here's my board:
Myleik Teele founder of CurlBox
Maya Angelou
Steve Jobs
Barack Obama
Michelle Obama
Serena Williams
Kelly Cutrone
Darren Hardy
Iyanla Vanzant
Just as with my Board for Divasinc. I learn and apply from these amazing individuals and apply the lessons to my life and businesses. I read their books, I pay attention to what they do as well as what they say. If they recommend a book or another amazing mind, I check that person or resource out.
I know some people idolize celebrities and this isn't what any of this is about. Although I do love me some Beyonce. This is about taking inspiration from their success. When Beyonce released Beyonce without any marketing and informed the world via instagram at midnight *picks life off the floor* I immediately purchased it. Then was in awe at her tactic. She created New Rules. And those rules are there aren't any rules. You want "it," go get "it." Everyone talked about the release.
That's one thing about all of my advisors. They all are game changers and have made their own way.
I try to take what they say and represent then filter it to work for me.
Live. Love. Action
1. Who is on your virtual Board of Advisors?
2. Who inspires you?
3. Take it a step further. What gems do they give that you can apply to your life and business?